1. Once you start Chiropractic treatment you have to continue for the rest of your life.

This is probably the biggest misconception surrounding chiropractors today, and most of it has been perpetuated by doctors with questionable ethics. Chiropractic treatment is divided into 3 stages: acute care, corrective care, and maintenance care. It is entirely up to the patient how far they would like to take their treatment. Acute care focuses on pain reduction, corrective care addresses fixing structural and biomechanical dysfunction, and maintenance care acts as a preventative measure. It is this last stage that has been misconstrued by many to mean chiropractic care requires a lifetime commitment. At Ferrel's Chiropractic, how far you go is entirely up to you!

2. Chiropractors only treat back and neck pain.

A person is more than just the spine. Ferrel's Chiropractic, we have detailed knowledge of the entire human body, and that means we can treat any musculoskeletal condition, anywhere. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, or foot, we can fix 'em all.

3. Pinched nerves in the spine are the root of all disease (The Deadly Subluxation).

While this theory, in theory, is plausible, there hasn't been any evidence to support it. In some cases, joint restrictions in the spine do indeed induce inflammation causing the nerves that originate from those areas to function abnormally. This is called a radiculopathy and often leads to pain, tingling, numbness and weakness along the course of that nerve. Sciatica is common example of this condition. But many chiropractors assert that this can occur along any nerve exiting the spine, affecting everything in the body, including internal organs. Until someone can prove it, don't you believe it. This isn't a belief system, chiropractic is NOT a religion.

4. I'm too old or too young to receive chiropractic care.

Whether young, or old, the science of the human body never changes. Chiropractic treatment can be modified to meet the needs of specific conditions and age, in fact, many chiropractors hold specialty degrees in pediatrics, geriatrics, and obstetrics. We can treat the newest of the newborns to the eldest of the elderly.

5. Chiropractors are not "real" doctors.

This is a very unfair and demeaning accusation that many doctors of chiropractic face. The training and education endured by doctors of chiropractic is extremely thorough and demanding, similar in all respects to that of medical doctors with the exception of pharmacology and surgical training. Prior to entering chiropractic college, the aspiring chiropractor requires 3-4 years (depending on the college and state) of typical pre-med undergraduate studies such as physics, chemistry, and biology. Chiropractic education itself is an additional 4 years of extensive study in anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, pathology, neurology, radiology, diagnosis, and nutrition. In fact, chiropractors routinely receive several hundred more hours of education in anatomy than medical doctors. Makes sense. After all, we're the musculoskeletal specialists.

6. Chiropractic treatment is dangerous and the "popping" noise during a chiropractic adjustment is the sound of something breaking.

On the contrary, chiropractic care has an excellent safety record; safer than back surgery, muscle relaxers, and even aspirin. Our malpractice insurance costs hundreds of thousands less than most medical doctors, and, as we all know, no insurance company would give up such a wealth of income if it wasn't for a good reason. It's because chiropractors have one of the lowest incidents of malpractice lawsuits due to complications from treatment.
There is considerable debate among anatomists and physiologists as to the "cracking" or "popping" noise associated with chiropractic adjustments. It is the same sound that is made when someone "cracks" their knuckles and is called a "cavitation". The current theory is simply the formation of gas due to negative pressure in the air-tight, fluid filled joint space when that joint is separated. Many people associate this "popping" noise with a successful chiropractic adjustment and the lack thereof as an unsuccessful one. This is also a myth, as successful adjustments can be performed with the absence of that noise.

7. "Cracking" your joints will cause arthritis.

Just as mentioned in the "subluxation" myth, without evidence to support it, don't you believe it! There is no evidence to suggest that "cracking" your joints causes arthritis. Numerous studies have been done showing no relationship between cavitation and arthritis. In fact, regular chiropractic care along with rehabilitation has been shown to help stave off the degenerative effects of arthritis through restoration of proper joint biomechanics.

8. Pregnant patients shouldn't get chiropractic care.

There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and pregnancy wellness of women who are pregnant or trying to conceive is a routine treatment for most chiropractors. During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby. Protruding abdomen, increased back curve, pelvic changes, and postural adaptations can all cause a misaligned spine or joint. Establishing pelvic balance and alignment is another reason to obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy. When the pelvis is misaligned it may reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby. This restriction is called intrauterine constraint. A misaligned pelvis may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery.


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